Steering Group Meetings
Date | Comments | Agenda | Minutes |
9th March 2020 | Agenda | Minutes | |
28th November 2019 | Agenda | Minutes | |
2nd September 2019 | Agenda | Minutes | |
10th June 2019 | Agenda | Minutes | |
18th March 2019 | Agenda | Minutes | |
21st January 2019 | Agenda | Minutes | |
19th November 2018 | Agenda | Minutes | |
17th September 2018 | Agenda | Minutes | |
20th August 2018 | Agenda | Minutes | |
2nd July 2018 | Agenda | Minutes | |
21st May 2018 | Agenda | Minutes | |
16th April 2018 | Agenda | Minutes | |
19th March 2018 | Agenda | Minutes | |
19th February 2018 | Agenda | Minutes | |
15th January 2018 | Agenda | Minutes | |
20th November 2017 | Agenda | Minutes | |
23rd October 2017 | Agenda | Minutes | |
18th September 2017 | Agenda | Minutes | |
24th August 2017 | Agenda | Minutes | |
15th May 2017 | Agenda | Minutes | |
10th April 2017 | Agenda | Minutes | |
6th April 2017 | Annual Parish Meeting | Agenda | Minutes |
20th March 2017 | Agenda | Minutes | |
20th February 2017 | Agenda | Minutes | |
6th February 2017 | Agenda | Minutes | |
10th January 2017 | Agenda | Minutes | |
29th November 2016 | Agenda | Minutes | |
15th November 2016 | Agenda | Minutes | |
27th October 2016 | Agenda | Minutes | |
19th September 2016 | Agenda | Minutes |
Steering Group Terms of Reference (pdf)
Working Group Reports
In August 2019, a smaller Working Group started drafting the NDP documents. At each stage in the NDP process, the NDP documents have been reviewed by the Steering Group (SG) before going to Tywardreath and Par Parish Council for approval as appropriate. In response to the Covid 19 situation, the SG has agreed that SG Meetings will be suspended. The NDP Working Group will circulate Working Group Reports by email to the SG and once agreed, the reports will be posted - at least once a quarter - on the NDP section of the Parish Council website in lieu of SG meeting minutes. Members of the public are welcome to contact the Steering Group for further information or ask questions about the NDP at Parish Council Meetings.
The members of the working group are: the Chair of the NDP SG, Cllr David Hughes; the Vice-Chair, David Quoroll; and the Secretary, Alison White.